FLCHE's Digital Publication
Standard Manuscript Submissions
In Context, a peer-reviewed journal, invites author submissions of the following kinds:
- Articles relating to history, humanities, and other social sciences;
- Perspectives, analyses, and evaluation of current issues related to social studies and history education;
- Ideas and techniques for strengthening history education at all levels: elementary, middle, high school, and post-secondary;
- Significant research findings, interpretations, or theories in history and history education
We are also publishing articles on historical events commemorated by historical societies in Florida and encourage Florida museums to submit articles that highlight the historical importance of an object in their collections. The manuscript should include citations in APA or Chicago and not exceed 1,500 words. Please include the name of the society or museum and location so our readers can learn more about your institutions!
Evaluation and Editing
The editors of In Context have the responsibility for deciding appropriateness and relevance for publication and reserve the right to edit for style (including grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary), but changes in content are made with the corresponding author's consent.
Length of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be between 500 and 1,500 words in length. Editors may consider longer manuscripts in some cases.
Photographs, Illustrations, Tables and Figures
Authors are encouraged to provide appropriate illustrations, graphics, photographs, lesson plan materials, figures, and samples of students' work with their articles. Any and all visual support for the article should be discussed in the text and accompanied by captions.
Obtain permission in writing from publishers for text quoted at length or for materials (poems, maps, photographs, cartoons, etc.) that you would like to have included in an article. If photos of young students (or their names or work samples) are to be included, provide statements of parental permission with signatures.
References must be provided in Chicago or APA formatting.
Submitting Your Manuscript
Manuscripts are accepted by email: InContext@flche.net.
Please include the following on the title page of your manuscript:
- Title of the article
- Author's name (title, first, and last name)
- Organization/Institution
- Title/position within the organization/institution
- Grade level you teach (if applicable)
- Location (city and state)
Attach the article with references (Chicago or APA format) as a MS Word document. If you have an appendix, please attach as a separate document.
Our digital publication is released to FLCHE members every September and March.
Manuscripts are accepted throughout the year!