2025 Conference Proposal Form

Please select all that apply.
Institution/Organization affiliation of presenter to be listed in program.
Please select the grade-level most applicable to your proposal. Accepted presentations will be listed with this information in the conference program.
Please keep in mind, we would like our conference sessions to reflect the theme, Revolution, Reaction, and Reform in History. Conference participants will be looking for the connection to the theme during conference sessions.
Please submit a 200 word biography of each of the presenters to be used in the program.
To avoid misunderstanding, I agree on behalf of all persons listed in this proposal to conduct this session at whatever time it is scheduled on Saturday, July 26, 2025. I will ensure all presenters are registered with payment by June 20, 2025. I understand it is my responsibility to notify all presenters regarding the status of the proposal and the date, time, and location of the session should it be accepted.